Pwn & Reverse

  • Intro to Buffer Overflow

Just overflow the buffer with 1 and got the flag!


  • Let The Random Games Begin 1

After a few run on the given program, I see that the program not generate random numbers as the challenge mention and from that it can be easily predict what the next numbers is, and got the flag.


  • Don't go overboard

Open the file in ghidra to know how the program run, which we need to change the value of showflag and secured to be able to get the flag. For this challenge, proper way to do it is using gdb-gef to find the exact offset of the buffer.

But since I'm not master using gdb-gef, the best way is to try and error to find the exact offset of the buffer and when found the offset then I can change the value of showflag and secured to get the flag.


  • Let The Random Games Begin 2

This challenge is same as the previous challenge, but this time the program has many set of random numbers generate and it will repeat the number again.

From list of set numbers of genarated number, I can predict next number and obtain the flag.

Flag: CURTIN_CTF{7H3_F1RS7_P53UD0}

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